Moving over to the best corporations and business entities. The best businesses entities track their Key result areas/Key Critical Success Factors diligently. Sales, marketing, costs, new products and improvements to existing products – revenue inflow and outflow are tracked down to the last detail. Continual sales and retention of existing customers are the life blood of any business.
To survive and thrive a company needs to ensure their daily sales targets are been achieved and exceeded. How many leads have been brought in, how many presentations have been made? How many sales have been made? How is the marketing effort going on?
How is customer service measuring up? Are customer surveys been carried out periodically? Are costs been controlled? How is the customer’s key product measuring up in the market? Is it been improved and do they have new exciting products in the pipeline. These all have to be tracked and measured diligently.
Look at great companies like Apple, Microsoft, Mercedes Benz, Porsche they are always iterating and producing new products to the market each and every year. They understand the importance of having the right metric tracking systems in place.
They are consistently feeling the market pulse, trying out new products and technology, advertising these products, reducing costs and getting more efficient. We can also do the same as individuals and put the necessary metrics to achieve our goals.
What are the top five areas, dreams or goals you need to achieve? Set
indicators for them to track progress in each area? It can be daily, weekly or
monthly but ensure you set a tracker in place.